jueves, 15 de abril de 2010

Tequila. Atraditional Art of Mexico.

Tequila. Atraditional Art of Mexico. Ed. Alberto Ruy Sanchez and Margarita Orellana. Ed. Artes de Mexico. México 2004 pp 238.

20 Tequila is like the water of a burning river.

* 24 Tender quiotes are eaten as a vegetable.

29 white tequila is... a finished product following the second destillation, "rested" tequila is the result of storing white tequila in oak or holm oak barrels for at least two months. "Aged" tequila is matured for at least a year in oak or holm oak barrels.

35 In 1758, Viceroy Matias de Galvez persuaded the king of spain to phohibit the prodution and sale of intoxicationg beverages, a measure that was enforce for ten years.

46 There are more than seventeen varieties of agave.

56 with the failure of prohibition, the authorities of...

decidade to regulate the manufacture and sale of...

* 106 Tequila, like the nation was born a bastar a combination of american and european...

119 Owing to its rich heritage - combining its mexican, spanish and arabic origins...

* 134 André Breton... souvenir du mexicque (memory of mexico, 1938).. "Red earth, virgin earth, impregnated with the most fertile blood, a land where human life has little value, and like the agave that extends to the horizon - is allways prepared to be consumed in a flower of danger and desire"

146 ... , whenever we make... a part of ourselve we should reflect on how it contains the history of a culture.

* for our idiology

150 Tequila is the great androgyn of our culture... El tequila y La tequila

153 ... its powerfull sensorial impact ... extreme duality: water that is also fire.

179 Tequila is a barometer of social pretension.

180 modified by Pochenko "One of the finest tributes paid to the triangle formed by Gay man, Lesbian woman and drugs social and not socially accepted was by poet whose name I will never remember"

181 modified by pochenko " The Ponchenkosky hour" when any gay man would interrupt his activity to watch the factory workers as they left their job for home.

* 182 modified by Pochenko. "If he fuck me from time to time, it was only because I made him horny, and not because he was homosexual" "He always fuckme". If he went out of his way to get me to accept his lover, it was because he loved me. He didn´t have to tell me about him. But he say he was afraid I would find out about his affairs and leave him" And he couldn´t bear the thought of losing me , because I was the only one who undestood him"

full time lover - par time lover

active sex life... now or never,

he needed to prove he could seduce men, so I went with him to talk it over with him (his lover) and he (his lover) wanted to hear it from my own mouth, that I had given him (my lover) my permission to be his lover. He (his lover) just wanted to help our marriage, with a three some. I even gave them (my lover and his lover) my blessing (because I am a pastor) The truth is that I was more than gratefull, since he (his lover) was also making a sacrifice for me, he (his lover) could have married, and loves, but instead he was willing to be his lover full time, just because he (his lover) is a nice person.

187 I started to belive that tequila with boldo had miraculous healing properties. It went down my throat cleaning, invigaration, healing, conforming and warming my entire body - making me feel alive, alive, alive!

187 ... and agreed to let me pay in kind. well, I guess

"Siete leguas was the horse that Villa loved most of all, for he would near and whinny every time... was no horse at all... as hot as can be...

237 Chicotuda: An agave plant with a somewhat unhealthy appearance, as if it were old and tired.

237 Chingurita: Mexican liquors made frome sugar cane.

237 Cogollo: sprout top

237 Desquiote

238 Jima

238 Quiote: Stalk tan sprouts from the heart of maguey boiled or rousted whole, it is very nutritious and has a unique sweet flavor

238 Tequio.

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